Monday, March 21, 2016

Its been long break

I always have great intentions when it comes to writhing and mean to write all the time, anyone who really knows me knows I have  A LOT to say... ha...but to find the time?! Where do people find the time...

My goals for the new year are going well and I am only mildly disappointed in myself for random reasons!  My two main goals right now ( aside from the kids and the " getting thru every day of our life with my sanity in tact" goal)  are this:

1. DO what I LOVE in the real world:

 I am on the verge of my real estate licence and ( two more weeks to go!) and I had a call from a realtor for my first ever realtor requested home staging job and it was AMAZING and fun. SO to be able to grow my " business" to do what I really like to do is a big goal. Real Estate and Home Staging. 

2. Get my fat ass back in shape!!

Another one is to make the time for fitness, running, yoga and personal space again. I had an interesting year and I was sidetracked from my happiness in the run/sweat of it all and I gained just over 10lbs and its going NOWHERE fast. Chad has been killing it and it is inspiring ( if not HORRIBLY ANNOYING) to see how far he has come and how great he looks. He's pretty hot. I cant deny it.  ;)  So every Monday I have been booking my fitness times again and my run times on the calendar so I get them done no matter. 

3. Do more in the Arts as much as I can without taking away from my family too much. 

I had the HUGE pleasure to be in a dinner theatre this year that was in support of Way Points ( formerly the Fort McMurray family crisis society) called Fanny and Manny tie the knot and every time I get to be around these artsy fartsty types, (hehe,) I am just in awe, and inspired, and overwhelmed and THRILLED to be in their presence...the community theatre actors I have met here are hands down some of the most fun, creative, smart, loving, caring, hilarious people I have met in my whole crazy life and I want to soak them up as much as I can! 

4. Write again. 

I need to blog. It makes me happy. I found the cue cards of the outline of my first screenplay that I wrote two years ago during a very turbulent time in my life. It was funny to read, sad to read but I remember what I great story it was and It deserves to be told. If only just to me, and I am going back to work on it. Its about love and hate and forgiveness and sex and lies and truth and being honest with who we are, and what our life is and what is isn't. I love it. Its my baby. 

OK, so that was a lot. I need to go run because my calendar says at 9am its RUN TIME! Its 8:54 and I still need to lace up!

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