Wednesday, July 7, 2010


July 7th 2010:
Today I was getting getting ready to go to a play date with a awesome lady that I LOVE to sit with and complain with, and laugh with ( cry with?) about all our motherly woes. Between is we have too many kids....Yes, play dates are really just amazing, judge free, Mommy venting sessions with other awesome mommies, disguised as a fun friendly way to get our kids out to socialize with other kids....secrets out, play dates are for moms. In all honestly If they wasnt something in it for us moms why on EARTH would I pack up my four kids come rain, shine, snow and sleet ( yes here in Fort Mac those can all happen on the same day) and have them all dressed brushed, wiped and waxed AND have prepared a yummy snack to share all by 10am? Really it would just be another hair pulling punishment if there wasnt something in it for me. If you dont believe me you come to my place and try to get ready for a play date, you'll see what I mean about back on track, so this morning I was really excited and happy to be chasing 15 month old naked twins around to struggle them into diapers and clothes. Happy to be getting a sobbing Mia to brush her hair and even happy to have it all done by 9:45am. However in a brief moment of frustration when I thought we were all ready to go and then realized at 9:30 that I was not yet showered ( think I can put them all the van with a movie and then take a quick shower? joking....sort of....)I paused to think about these things now that make me happy.... like these crazy morning play dates, or bike rides to the park, in the sweltering heat, with a 3 yr old who thinks she Lance Armstrong on a bike, when shes really like more like Franklin the turtle. What were things that not so long ago used to make me feel the same kind of excitement? hmm...can I recall? Sure I can...pedicures, hot tubs, nights on the town with the girls....Well I still do the same things now that I did then, just a bit different. Like monthly pedicures still exist but are now done by Mia, with her pink Barbie polish, not quite the same standard but cheaper ;) Hot tub parties have been traded for evening bubble bath parties. ( oddly still the same about of nudity involved) Evenings out revolve around sitters and bedtimes not girlfriends and happy hours. All fun, just in a different way. Truth be told some of the more meaningful conversations I have had in my life were at recent playdates, among the toddler noise, cheese and crackcer mess and all of course while dressing the despised polly pockets. So I am grateful to be a mommy today even if it is just because selfishly I was able to meet other wonderful mommies that make me feel happy, and accepted and the most normal and I have felt in a few years. Thanks mommies, thanks playdates. My mental health owes you all :)

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