This weekend seemed to fly by!! I had this crazy great day on Friday where I was able to spend the whole day on a golf course with Chad just hanging out, being a terrible golfer mind you, but pretty good company if I do say so myself ;) Then the evening came and I was able to meet some pretty awesome girls at Earls for this 90's flash back party. I cant even being to explain every detail about how great this night was but I will try to sum up our evening in just a few point forms, haha:
- Kailey, Crystal, Lindsay and later after they skated our their aggressions at hockey, our men. Best company a girl could ask for. Good night no matter what now.
- free candy on the tables!!? Now THIS is something I could really get into..screw a fancy appie and give me a free fun dip and tootsie pop!
- Rocking overalls an a wife beater in public and feeling cool
- tons of people, all in good spirits and willing to buy above mentioned crew free drinks, (ok that's thanks to Crystal but I'll take a few drink no matter what!)
- A big screen full of BSB, NKOTB, Salt n Pepper, N sync, snoop dog, Janet Jackson and every other epic dancey dance pop sensation you can imagine from my youth.
- Honestly winning a "dance off" by almost quitting then pulling out the cheer leader in me splits...and I didn't even split my pants! Dropped it like it was HOT, to quote my ladies, lol!
- Winning a fanny pack ( that steve stole and I'm sure I will never see again, ha!)
It was a great affair! I am still pondering something however. Not sure if it was the best joke of the night, or the weirdest conversation I have ever had. Dancing with a bunch of late 20' somethings one pipes up and says how much he loves Backstreet boys...( he was also belting out every word to every song, my kind of guy) when he happened to lean in and say to me,
"I lOVE BSB...unlike other boy bands they are great signers...I have all their stuff"
To Which I say,
" ooh, me too! even on cassette! hahaha"
Then he says...wait for it...
" Awesome! Do you have their underground stuff? That's my favorite! Its so hardcore!"
Say Whaaaaa?? Are we talking like Brian, Nick, AJ, Howie and Kevin? Hardcore? Underground? I still have no clue if he was serious or if this was a joke? I don't want to Google " underground BSB" because I don't want my husband to see it on the computer and make fun of me, it will forever be a mystery I suppose ;)
The night ended somewhere on the other side of 2am and I went to bed a sweaty, happy, ear ringing mid 30's stay at home mom full of 17 year old dreams ;)
Yesterday was a great day full of family time and painting the office. I would elaborate more, but honestly it boils down to the kids playing games in the house all day and mom...well, literally painting the office...but ill post pictures of it later! Its looking great!
Fresh of my dance high...or more like my hangover, I decided that although I have kept up my running I need to go so fitness classes again, and get back on this health wagon. I am getting a bit old for 2am nights and blurry Sundays. I do actually love going to the gym and taking classes and I miss them. They are hard for me to fit in with all the kids during the summer.. WELL some friends of mine go at 5am. I think they are loony birds. That's still the middle of the night for me...BUT after much thought, chocolate and about 5lbs of weight gain I decided that I should suck it up and go too.
Oranj Fitness is this great place in town and I love all their classes, but I stick to mid day and I was pretty nervous about a 5am-er. Now that its over I would just like to toot my own horn and say I got up at 4:30 and made it to a 5am spin and sculpt class and as I type this, on my 3rd cup of coffee, I feel good! The kids are still asleep, the sun is up and the house is peaceful and quiet...maybe I should get into this early morning thing and start a new routine??...until Earls has another epic dance party then all bets are off and I am drinking and Macarena-ing until the wee hours and sleeping until the kids cant find food :)